Warm Cookies & Hot Coffee

pexels-photo-301650.jpegIt’s a snowy and cold morning, but my kitchen is warm and cozy and so are the fresh baked cookies and hot coffee.  Batches of Valentines cut out sugar cookies are still coming out of the oven and the coffee pot is still plugged in.  Life is good!

I love making cut out cookies.  Today is rare since I only used one cookies cutter, the heart.  I have quite the collection of cookie cutters.  All the standards like Santa, stars, bells, angels, hearts, and bunny rabbits.  I also have a teapot, ice cream cone, and a train.  I love the old ones and scour second-hand shops for them.  I tried a set of plastic cookie cutters once, they went in the trash during the first batch of cookies.   A few years ago both my mother and mother in law sent me their cutters.  They are some of my most cherished cutters and a gift I won’t forget.  Now when I make cookies for my granddaughters their great-grandmothers are playing a part.

Like my cookies cutters, my recipe is old and a family recipe.  One of my own grandmothers used it often.  It’s a pretty standard recipe except for the amount of butter, a full cup and it uses baking powder instead of baking soda.  The baking powder helps the cookies to rise.  The other special ingredient is love, my grandmother added a lot of love.  This recipe has fed generations of children and adults and everyone agrees, it’s one on of the best cookies ever.

I continue to add the extra measure of love.  I’m making the cookies for family and friends, so of course, the love is still the most important ingredient  It’s not about how perfect the cookies look, I could buy perfect looking cookies, it’s about the special treat of Grammy cookies.  It’s about the pleasure I get sharing the cookies and the memories of my family enjoying them that stays with me long after the cookies are gone.

Yes, life and the cookies and the memories, old and new ones, are good!

I love a cuppa of

herbal-tea-herbs-tee-mint-159203.jpegI love tea of every kind.  Herbal, decaf, full caffeine, chi, and my newest favorite turmeric. Some people take their favorite beer or wine to a party, I bring a favorite tea.

I might have had tea all day at work, but making that first cup when I come home is part of my evening routine.  What am I choosing today, what is my mood like?  Was it a tough day, reach for the organic green or chamomile.  Is it cold outside and I want to warm up, chi, it’s like my hot chocolate.  Want a perk me up, Lemon Ginger, it has a little zip to it.

Not feeling good, anything every warm with extra lemon and honey.  I don’t know if drinking it makes me feel better or just holding it with both hands and breathing in the aroma does the trick.

I can’t take a bath without bringing along a cup of tea.  Chamomile goes well with a bath. Between the bath, with lots of homemade bath salts, and the tea, I’m almost falling asleep before I’m dry.

Spending the afternoon with an old friend, may I suggest a cup of Pomegranate Rasberry tea, a couple of cookies, and a long talk.  I can almost guarantee a good time.

So I’m out of tea now so it must be time to hit publish and make another cup.

Spring Cleansing

No, not spring cleaning, cleansing.  It’s something I look forward each year when it gets warm enough.  It can be as simple as opening a couple of windows on a warm day and letting the house air out or it can be an entire elaborate ritual.incense_holder

I like something in the middle.  On a nice warm day I’ll open a couple of windows and light a few incense cones.  I walk through all the rooms with the incense .  After I close the windows I light one more incense.

I’ll do this a few times each spring until I feel that I have chased out all the old winter air in the house.